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Successful completion of this training will certify you to conduct Department of Transportation (DOT)  & (NON-DOT) Specimen collections in ALL 50 STATES! This 100% virtual training class includes the Department of Transportation (DOT) procedures required to properly conduct urine specimen collections for drug tests under the Federal Rules (CFR 49  Part 40). It also includes the required 5 Mock Collections that each participant must complete error-free to officially become qualified. 

What's Included:

Qualification training to comply with the Federal Regulations included in the DOT 49  CFR Part 40

How to accurately complete each step of the collection process 

How to navigate problem specimens such as "shy bladder" or "not the correct temperature"

Responsibilities as a collector 

What are fatal flaws and other mistakes to avoid and how to correct them if necessary

What equipment and supplies you will need to conduct proper collections

Which Reference Labs you can become a collector with & Resources 

Lifetime training only access 

Community access, free for 30 days! 

You will receive a download with instructions on training after you have registered, so please put in your correct email address..



By enrolling in the specimen collector certification course, you acknowledge that the certification process is legally binding and that it is illegal to enroll in the course, obtain certification, and subsequently request a refund. Please note that taking the course and not passing does not entitle you to request a refund, and there are no refunds of any kind available for this course.

It is important to understand the legal implications and responsibilities associated with certification. Any misuse of the certification or fraudulent behavior will result in legal consequences.